Eco Hub srl is an Energy Service Company (SSE), which was founded in 2013 as a spin-off of S.P.E. - Divisione Clima in the light of several decades in the field of plant design and innovative solutions in the energy field.

Objective of the company to its customers is a consultancy (in the form of audits and energy check-up) in order to lower energy costs as well as the dependence on non-renewable energy.

This objective is achieved by exploiting the best efficient technologies available today in the market and ensuring the maintenance of plant performance, whether in terms of comfort and production capacity: the proposed solutions are designed on customer requests, about his habits or business needs . Every project, every technical solution, each technological device is chosen and evaluated for specific user needs.

Eco Hub guarantees the achievement of energy-saving results through a transparent and reliable partnership.

Eco Hub offers its customers the execution of an energy check-up aimed at collecting the relevant data of consumption related to building structures and systems, in order to identify the energy health status of the site and possible energy saving measures. This tool allows the customer to clearly identify the possible courses of action and the corresponding associated savings.

The objective of energy check-up is to identify energy wastage due to the use of obsolete technologies, out of date contracts with energy providers, or the inefficiency of the production processes.

In addition to the definition of the energy concept, Eco Hub is able to manage, using SPE - Climate Division, the plant engineering design and permitting process related to the proposed interventions.

Eco Hub allow their customers to repay the interventions made to improve energy efficiency with consequent saving to reduce consumption and therefore the management costs.

The service offered by Eco Hub is completed with the active involvement of society in the process of obtaining funding and state, regional and community incentives.

As an energy service company Eco Hub is enabled partner at the Energy Services Operator (GSE) obtaining Energy Efficiency Titles, SO-CALLED White Certificates.

In accordance with art.12, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree no. 102/2014, as of 07.19.2016 access to the Energy Efficiency mechanism is the exclusive responsibility of energy service companies possess certification UNI CEI 11352, for Eco Hub certificate n ° 43/16 / ESCO issued by RINA Services SpA.

Eco Hub enjoys the operator status on the Energy Efficiency Certificates Market, granting at the time of winding up the best possible realization of the securities.


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